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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2021

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In my eyes, aside from Belinda, there is only one other true star of The White Lotus: Quinn Mossbacher (Fred Hechinger). Where the rest of the guests seemed to have barely changed at all by the time they left the   Baloney Sandwich Russian Dressing Anti Trump Shirt  resort—if anything, most of them had only become more insufferable—Quinn had looked beyond the luxurious trappings of the White Lotus, taking an ultimately transformative interest in Hawaiian culture. After his phone and iPad were destroyed on the beach, Quinn’s awakening to the beauty of the natural world surrounding him was compounded by his newfound friendship with a group of canoers preparing for their Hōkūle’a—eventually leading him to turn back from the airport after his family had checked in and sail off into the sunset. Enjoy your new life, Quinn. We’re all rooting for you. When I dunk my cookies in my milk I think of you shirt Tegridy Farms Made $300000 All I Got Was High 2022 Shirt Santa Grinch cup of fuckoffee o